Alicia. 31.08.05 life is such a drama
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I wanna be loved

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emo at times. i might get bitchy. love having money. hate having money but nothing to buy. love being random. love bags. a sucker for pretty shoes. love flipflops. hate ppl staring at me. love staring at ppl. hate stupid ppl. pissed me off and i'll cut u bitch try to forgive. trying to be a better person each day

My Bitches

Ian Laaaa
Jeremy,the self obsessed
Psycho Juneyy
Saiful the Deep One


Feeling: sleepy

Listening to: white house-Michelle Branch

Wishing: that i strike lottery whenever i buy them!haha

I must NOT: eat everything i seee

Fun Link

Pink is the new Gossip
Hollywood Rag
Pee-Pee Hilton

Speak To Me

Past Rants

November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
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March 2007

Saturday, December 30, 2006

A super emo post

Job 22,

2 "Can a man be of benefit to God?
Can even a wise man benefit him?

21 "Submit to God and be at peace with him;
in this way prosperity will come to you.

22 Accept instruction from his mouth
and lay up his words in your heart.

27 You will pray to him, and he will hear you,
and you will fulfill your vows.

28 What you decide on will be done,
and light will shine on your ways.

Do u think ppl have different feelings on things? I dunno, i'm just really really sad rite now with the whole rumours n all.. so many things to put into consideration, and yet no one is actually worth these thoughts. I was asking God, did I do something bad thats why bad stuff happens? and then He just told me to find peace n read the bible.. I wish for so many things now, for people to mind their own business, for truth, for understanding, for hope and for prosperity and for trust. And somehow, non of it seems to be happening and I'm so tired of explaining myself. I dread phone calls now.. I hate the call of trouble. I hate how my heart is so restless now. How everything seems to turn its back on me. and that I'm alone at the path of fault. my heart is fill with disbeliefs, vengeance, hatred and hope.

I dont believe people will do such thing, I wanna ppl who do such thing to suffer, I hate ppl like them, and I hope things will go my way. Am I gonna spend my New Year feeling sorry for myself? I was actually planning to just let Allison take care of my stall tmr, and go spend some time with my mom, shopping, buy new dress. and now, everything becos of some ppl, seems to fall apart and ruined. I am really scared.. really really scared tht real working life is gonna be like this, then I dread every second of it. becos the business world is so cruel, they do anything to bring u down for their own gain, and u lose ppl u love and care about becos of the wicked. Do I still believe in God?

Of cos, will all my heart, I believe that no one else can give me peace except for God. Any unsolved problem can be solved by Him i know. Is this like some kinda test? to test my righteousness and my trust? I'm just so tired, I wish i can just rest. I just can't stop wondering, why people do the things they do? Why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? how do they live with all those wicked things they do? don't they ever think of the lives they will ruin? does rich ppl always get wat they wan? but they are already rich, why would they want to ruin other ppl's life? i just dont wanna care anymore.. the more i talk or explain, the more it drain my mood n energy..

God, I pray that things will go my way Lord, that You hear my vows Lord and lights will shine my way. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!

pick me.choose me @* 9:43 AM
0 order of excitement, peppered with anticipation.


Friday, December 29, 2006

New Year Resolution!

ok so i've been tagged by mr shaiful to write 6 weird things about moi.. before that.. merry christmas to everyone.. i hope u guys had a great one becos mine was so so so much fun!!!! thank you all for ur present.. like jeremy of cos.. carol was much fun...anyway back to the 6 weird things about me..

1. everytime i sing a song.. i tend to use my hand to spell out the words.. whenever im singing a song, i would automatically write it out or spell it out in my heart.. its a habit i can't stop

2. I can't stand messy collars. Everytime i see some passer-by with messy collar.. i would wan to fix it for them.. i really can't resist it...isnt it weird.. hahahahhaa.. dont be suprise if suddenly when ur walking at the mall.. someone come n fix ur collar.. it could be moi!

3. I must wash my hand everytime I touch something oily or dirty.. like when Im cooking, i think i wash my hand when after i touch the chicken, after i season the chicken.. after i wrap the chicken, after i touch another chicken, and season the chicken and wrap the chicken.. after i open the oil cap, after i pour oil onto the pan, after i put the ingredient into the pan... i just wash my hand alott... hahahahhahaha

4. I also have a habit of washing my legs alot alot of times.. if i dont wash my legs, i would feel uncomfortable.. i must wash my legs everytime i come home, or when i wear shoes, or when i walk at the living room, the kitchen, or anywhere.. i wash my legs very often..

5. everyone when im writting something while someone is talking to me.. i tend to write wat tht person was saying.. isnt that so weird.. like one time when someone was talking to me about mahjong, i was copying some notes i think... i wrote " so with mahjong" instead of "so with all" hahahahhaaaaaa.. i know im weirdd

6. i have shy toes... everytime i see someone looking at them.. i'll hide them.. i have a habit of curling my toes when ppl look at them becos i have ugly toes.. hahahahaa..

i tag whoever who wanna do this because Shaiful already tag most of the ppl i wanna tag.teeheee

anyway.. i wanna post moi new year resolution before its too late!!! i wanna have a successful 2007 in both my career n life and I wanna eat healthily.. !!!

I wanna love God more.. and all my loved ones.. my mom, my dad, jeremy, his family and my frenzzz.. i wanna be a better person each day.. i wanna earn my first one thousandd buck.. i wanna sayang jeremy more.. i wanna do great in my final year.. i wanna sayang my parents moreeee.. i wanna give my dad alot of moneyy.. i wanna help the poor and needy.. i wanna land a good job!!! i wanna have a place of my own... and I wanna love God moree!!

before i end the post.. Christmas pics!

pick me.choose me @* 10:34 AM
0 order of excitement, peppered with anticipation.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas!

What shall I give for Christmas, to Him who gave Himself for me?

To Him I give my life, my love...For time and for eternity.

pick me.choose me @* 8:39 AM
1 order of excitement, peppered with anticipation.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Your subtleties
They strangle me
I can’t explain myself at all.
And all that wants
And all that needs
All I don’t want to need at all.
So I'm having holiday now and oh well it wasnt too bad.. I've been playing mahjong everyday these past few days.. you knowim actually not so fond of the whole idea of having alot of ppl visiting ur blog.. yeah its cool that ur a popular blogger n shit but its not private anymore... if u write shit about someone, and since so many people link them to your blog, that person will find out about uir blog, and read the shit u wrote about him, and worst if that person is your fren! yeah so thats my insight about blogging, its just not private anymore.

I hate ppl with nice hair. I love having nice hair. I love having moneyy. I hate having money but nowhere to spend it. I hate ppl who eat n eat and dont get fat. I eat n eat n get fat. I wanna own all the nice shoess in the whole wide world :).. all of them! I want a whole mansion full with shoess!! I love shoes. I want lotsss of bags too. I want a house with a glass rooftop so that I can look at the sky when it rains.. I dont want a huge house, just something nice and special. Oh yeah just incase if I'm rich, I decide not to wash my own hair anymore. I'll hire someone to wash my hair for me everyday.. also, I dont want to bath also la.. buy this machine automatically will cuci me wan.. wahhahahahahahah! I wanna own Dunkin' Donuts.. and chg all their flavours.. so boring..

I want my walls to be in soft yellow and orange, so that I can look at my walls n say "today isn't such a bad day after all, at least i have nice walls"..hahahha. I want my a nice furry carpet to roll on.. and lotsa pillows in my apartment!! they should all be in baby pink and soft turquise.. or pink and brownn.. I want to have a pink sofa, with white lil pillows on them.. yeah so the soft furry carpet would be in the middle of the living room with small lil pillows.. I wanna glass that i can look at the star at nite and when it rains..I want my room's wall to be a mixture of dark n light blue..

to be continue...

pick me.choose me @* 3:22 AM
0 order of excitement, peppered with anticipation.


Sunday, December 03, 2006

after exam post!

So, I'm having holiday now!! *moi heart doin a lil flip*.. not "that" free actually.. i gotta finish up the shooting and filming! hehehehehe.. i am so excited to go to Langkawi with jeremy, jason, amirul, karena, ian, paul, diane, prisc, the pork lover and a few more!!! Its gonna be so fun! Lets see, we went to Maison the other day, it was kinda like a blast.. Diane was like trying to kill me by doing shots with me.. but her bartender skill dunzo la.. the amount she pour is like.. erm.. 3 vodka shots? hahahaha.. yeah it was kinda uncomfortable when i did tht shot.. with like a whole glass more of chivas remaining in the glass so I have to force myself to take the whole thing.. yeahh.. hahahahaha..

it was good fun!! then we went n dance at the dance floor with June, John, Clarence n the rest stay upstairs.. Maison was fucking hot tht day.. no, not the happening hot, the sweaty hot! Saw a few friends there and yeah it was great to see them again!! then yeah, I lose count of the times i hit priscilla's butt cos she kept telling me she's high the entire time.. tee-heee.. the music was good that day and we still have another bottle parked at Maison! hehe.. wasted Alisha wasn't there.. if not it would be so much fun..! hmmm, then we left about 2+? oh yeah, Clarence ask me if he can vomit in front of my house, but I tell him to do it infront of my neighbours!!! ahahahah cause he sell pork ma..

err totally random rite.. i dint throw up that nite.. hohohoho.. June did! wahahaha.. yeah so shut up everyone about previous Maison night where i was pretty much very very very wasted.. but at least I throw up at the toilet :).. had shooting the next morning.. I was dead tired, managed to catch some sleep in the afternoon after a few hours of shoot with Jeremy.. then continue to shoot at night again.. *yawn* yeah.. thank you Amirul for buying us a bucket of beer yesterday!!! had fun at Italianis!! so June so did not tag me for this but I wanna do lahh!Here goes!

Layer ONE : On The Outside
Name : Alicia
Birth Date : #rd April 1987
Current Status : In A Relationship
Eye color : Black
Hair Color: Black/Brown
Righty or Lefty : Righty
Zodiac Sign : Aries

Layer TWO : On The Inside
Your Heritage: Chinese
Your Fears : failing in life.
Your Weaknesses : i love food too much
Your Perfect Pizza : lotsa pineapple, alot of cheese and plenty of bacon!!!!!

Layer THREE : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up : aiyo, why can't i sleep longer?
Your Bedtime : 2 am yesterday. today have to wake up early for work.tmr can sleep anytimeee!partyy!
Your most missed memory : when our friendship was perfect. when we were there for each other.

Layer FOUR : Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Coke!!! Vanilla Coke! Diet coke!!
McDonald's or Burger King : I love both?!? can ar? Mcdonalds fries and Burger King's burger!!
Single or group dates: I actually enjoy both!!!Jeremy n I out alone, or with frenz.. I dont mind at all!! its fun everytime!!especially movie times..
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Lipton tea or Nestea: Lipton tea. How does Nestea taste like??
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino! caramel rhumba with extra caramel please!!

Layer FIVE : Do you
Smoke : yes
Curse : yessssssssssss

Layer SIX : In the Past Month
Drank alcohol: OF COS !!!!!
Gone to the mall: Yeap!
Been on stage: Nopee..
Eaten sushi: Yea.. Genki!
Dyed your hair: Nope!

Layer SEVEN: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game: I dont know if it was consider a stripping game???never strip finish also..where can count.
Changed who you were to fit in: yes, i was stupid.still am.just a lil smarter now.

Age you're hoping to be married : 28

Layer NINE: In a Girl/Guy.
Best eye colour: Blue and brown!!
Best hair colour: blonde and dark brown
Short or long hair: Geee, I mean, if Brad Pitt has long hair, I would still like him.. so my answer is it depends!!

Layer TEN: What Were You Doing.
1 minute ago : chatting..reading..
1 hour ago : with jeremy
4.5 hours ago : with alisha
1 month ago : can't remember la..
1 year ago : omg.. i think i was like erm.. having exams? gee i dunno.

Layer ELEVEN : Finish The Sentence
I love: God, my loved ones and Dunkin' Donuts
I feel: like I'm so freee nowwwww!!
I hate: friends with benefit
I hide: my toes when ppl look at them..
I miss: old Mambo times.
I need: to partyyyy

thatsss it!! huhu!happy holiday everyoneee!

pick me.choose me @* 5:35 AM
0 order of excitement, peppered with anticipation.


Saturday, December 02, 2006


Please, let our team win!!!!!!

pick me.choose me @* 8:47 AM
0 order of excitement, peppered with anticipation.
