Alicia. 31.08.05 life is such a drama
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I wanna be loved

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emo at times. i might get bitchy. love having money. hate having money but nothing to buy. love being random. love bags. a sucker for pretty shoes. love flipflops. hate ppl staring at me. love staring at ppl. hate stupid ppl. pissed me off and i'll cut u bitch try to forgive. trying to be a better person each day

My Bitches

Ian Laaaa
Jeremy,the self obsessed
Psycho Juneyy
Saiful the Deep One


Feeling: sleepy

Listening to: white house-Michelle Branch

Wishing: that i strike lottery whenever i buy them!haha

I must NOT: eat everything i seee

Fun Link

Pink is the new Gossip
Hollywood Rag
Pee-Pee Hilton

Speak To Me

Past Rants

November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
March 2007

Monday, November 28, 2005


I wish i could begin this on a more postive note but i can't. i have tons of work that need to be accomplish by the end of the week but what on earth am i doing sitting right here typing this? I have a calendar to create, pictures to take, books to study, report to write, photos to develop and seemingly unending amount of things to memorize. College life so aint a bed of roses.

What was Miss Biker a.k.a FluffyHair thinking when she make her 360 degree change
on the calendar report? From a hard-to-accomplish 1000 words to now a mission-impossible report. Plus i would have to develop every picture used in my calendar and every editting done on it (background brush,healing brush n such). What a nut. I have no idea where to start anyway. Studywise, i dont think i can get anything on my mind at this moment. Creativeside, for this moment lets just leave the plain paper PLAIN because my brain cells are killing each other.

I can't wait for
Christmas to come and the ending of these things. I want to shop till I drop and of course, receive Christmas gifts :) . I'd been so busy until i got no time for my friends so right after my life slow down, i really really have to make it up to them. Just a few more weeks and i can rot for all i want!


pick me.choose me @* 11:11 PM
1 order of excitement, peppered with anticipation.
